Uganda Orphanage has been operating in the capital city of Kampala since 2013, in order to take care of the orphans in their heartland and to meet their education, training, food, shelter, health and all other needs.
14 of Our Siblings Graduated with High Honors
Our orphanage, which currently has 72 students, 14 of our students have graduated this year. All of our 14 students studying in secondary education, the equivalent of secondary school in Turkey, completed successfully.
As Çare Association, we communicate with the relevant units so that these graduates can also complete their high school education. We will continue to support our orphans in their high school education in areas such as housing, health and food.
Turkish Culture and Traditions in Education
In addition to human and religious education, Turkish culture and traditions are taught to our orphans staying at the Çare Association Uganda Orphanage. Extra Turkish lessons are given to our orphans. We are proud to undertake the duty of protecting the orphans of our heartland in our institution, where our flag flies with honor.